

Individual Proprietors can register business names without the services of the legal practitioner, chartered Accountant or Chartered Secretary. Follow these simple steps and there you have it.  👉 OPen your browser and type in; 👉 Click on reserve a name, you will be redirected to a log in/sign up page; 👉 Create an account for yourself and sign up; 👉 Click on new name reservation to check for availability of the Business Name. You will be notified once the name is reserved; 👉 Once your business name is reserved, complete pre-registration form and upload relevant registration documents; Pay the requisite filing fee  and wait for your certificate. You will be notified once your certificate is ready. I await your feedback. Cheers. For further enquiry, click the link below:


My name is Oluwabusola Oluwayemisi Oluwaniyi, I am a legal practitioner based in Nigeria. let me give you an insight into some of the things that i do. 🙋I am a CAC (Corporate Affairs Commission) Accredited agent.  🙋I register businesses with the CAC for people. I don't just do that, I give  appropriate legal advice on the type of business to register, trust me, a lot of people don't know the difference. 🙋I am also your surest compliance officer, just engage me and see. Upon the registration of your business there are provisions of the Companies and Allied Matters Act that you are required to comply with to keep your business active. We call these post-incorporation filings 🙋I am also your sure plug for the legal framework of acquisition of property. Don't just see a land and buy It is often sad when I see people lose their money and businesses  just because they failed to do what it is that they ought to do. I have a friend who once paid the sum of N80,000.00 to someone

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Econzult Arena is here to serve the purpose of disseminating legal information for those seeking informed legal advice and representation. We are professional lawyers with the objective of keeping the public abreast with the Nigerian law by providing relevant news and updates that affects the legal position of Nigerian citizens and at the same time making people feel comfortable with their approach towards seeking legal advice.